As described above, human’s energy and life force flows through chakras or meridian and nadis. If these energy channels are blocked, the life force can’t flow freely and then this will manifest physically. When there is a blockage in our energetic pathways or chakras, the human energy field would be out of balance. The local metabolism slows down, and the body structure becomes less energetic. It is less capable of removing chemical waste, causing further build-up of toxins in the same area. This vicious cycle will repeat. Once the local energy level falls below a critical threshold, the onset of a chronic illness is near. If the situation is not corrected, the condition will worsen over time. Imagine a river flowing freely. After a storm, a tree falls into the river, obstructing the water flow. Over time, silt and leaves are collected by the fallen tree, further compounding the obstruction. If the tree is not removed, the flow will continue to reduce. Eventually it will become completely blocked. How can Rife Machine work for human energy field?Everything has a vibrating frequency, which is called resonant frequency. This can be explained using an analogy of an opera singer who uses their voice to shatter a crystal glass. The glass is vibrating at a certain frequency, and when the opera singer sings at that particular frequency the glass shatters.
The human energy field consists of different levels of vibrations or frequencies. For example, chakras as the centers of energy also have particular frequencies which send energy out into the human energy field. Over time, these frequencies with your body are not so wonderful due to the deterioration of your body functions. So how can Rife machine help with chakras and do healing to your body? Some experienced Rife researchers maintain that since life itself is frequency, the simple act of transmitting beneficial frequencies into the body(any beneficial frequencies) will act to “wake up” the immune system, “remind” it of its function, and set it to work again properly. Here is an example, take two grandfather clocks and stand them against the same wall. Now set their pendulums swinging out of sync with each other. Within a few days, both pendulums will have come back into perfect sync with each other, and will remain that way until they’re disturbed again. So if you apply the frequencies of a healthy liver, or a robust immune system, and you transmit them into your body where these are not so good, within a few days frequency entrainment will have taken place, and things will start looking much better. Rife machine works in the same way to help your chakras return
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