spirit removal
Spirit Attachment Clearing and Consultation Removal Process
I work with people in a couple of different ways. The first is clearing spirits and negative energies from peoples’ homes, attached to themselves and all of the occupants living in the house, including pets. We only remove energies that are trapped, do not serve you or are not in your highest and best good.
I also offer energetic healing sessions ( Reiki). These sessions are generally done in-person and the philosophy underlying this healing method is that emotional or physical trauma can cause blocks in the flow of energy in our energy fields. This can then move into our physical bodies causing all sorts of ailments from pains to illnesses, as well as affect other parts of our lives – relationships, prosperity, etc. The healing session work is done at the energetic level by accessing your Higher Self where all is known and can be healed.
We also provide training to empower people to conduct clearings of their own energy field and their own environments including working with other people’s energy fields and a method for energetic healing.
Spirit Attachment Clearing and Consultation
Consultation and Clearing Session $90
Spirit Attachment Clearing and Consultation. This type of clearing includes your home/property, your own energy field, the energy fields of the other people living in the home, as well as pets. The benefit of the Spirit Attachment Clearing is that everyone who is living in the home is cleared so any energies do not transfer from one person to another or to the home.
We do not just scare off these energies, or turn them loose to reattach or find a new host. The energies are returned permanently to their place of origin. This process generally takes about an hour or so.
The Spirit Attachment Clearing cost is $90.00 for one house including the family living there. Email me to let us know that you would like to book your Spirit Attachment Clearing and Consultation and we will send you an invoice which can be paid through PayPal or ETF( Electronic Transfer).
After the Spirit Attachment Clearing session, we request that you check back with us after several days to let us know what you may have experienced since the clearing. We cannot guarantee the same ghost, spirit, or negative energies will not return. However, since we are dealing with the unknown to a large extent, we cannot be responsible for future residency of other spirits, or energies even though we do what we can to ensure against that happening.
PLEASE NOTE: In some circumstances or situations more than one session may be required to remove all of the ghosts, spirits or negative energies in the energy field of a property or a person. Sometimes there are layers to the clearing and one layer needs to be cleared before the energies in the next layer show up. It is possible for there to be days or even weeks between clearings. In these cases each additional clearing is a new session.
This process is recommend after any Spirit Removal session to repair the holes/rips in the energy field (Aura) caused by the attachment.
THE SOUL, AS REFERRED TO IN SOUL RETRIEVAL, is the energetic essence of your being, including gifts, qualities, and aspects of who you are. It transcends physical experience. Pieces and parts of the soul essence can become separated, trapped, and lost.
Soul loss is part of the human experience. It’s designed to protect our essence from physical and emotional trauma. Psychologists refer to this as dissociation. The shamanic community calls it soul loss. Either way, it helps us to survive.
Trauma that causes soul loss can be subtle and different for each person. Being teased or shamed can cause a sensitive child to lose soul parts. Another type of soul loss occurs when a part leaves because it doesn’t fit or because it is sent away.
Soul loss can happen when parts of our soul are taken by or given to the significant people in our lives. People who have had soul parts taken unknowingly take soul parts from others. While there’s no judgment or blame, this does put people in an inappropriate energetic relationship.
In a romantic relationship, people often will trade soul parts. This exchange makes both people more dependent on each other, less able to stand on their own, and thus less likely to leave. It can feel safer and more connected for both parties, but both are diminished.
Whatever the source of soul loss, the effects are much the same. Soul loss will diminish a person’s sense of well-being, vitality, and joy in life. People often feel depressed, listless, and as though the world was all gray. Soul loss can lead to gaps in memory. People can feel fragmented or spacey or even as if pieces are missing. Sometimes people become accident-prone or keep falling into the path of misfortune. People with soul loss can spend a lot of energy working through events of their past and still feel impacted by them. In extreme cases, soul loss can cause a lack of sense of self, suicidal tendencies, and vulnerability to physical illness.
Types of Attachments
Signs you have a Spirit or Ghost in your home.
How can I tell if I am affected by spirit attachment? If you have a spirit attachment you may notice some of the following symptoms:
You may notice in other people a sense that someone you know just hasn't been the same since that accident, since losing a loved one, since moving house – anything involving change whether enforced or chosen. These are all factors to consider.
Note: Many of these symptoms can also indicate medical problems so always consult your doctor. We often deal with people who have symptoms that are inexplicable and have no discernible physiological cause.
I also offer energetic healing sessions ( Reiki). These sessions are generally done in-person and the philosophy underlying this healing method is that emotional or physical trauma can cause blocks in the flow of energy in our energy fields. This can then move into our physical bodies causing all sorts of ailments from pains to illnesses, as well as affect other parts of our lives – relationships, prosperity, etc. The healing session work is done at the energetic level by accessing your Higher Self where all is known and can be healed.
We also provide training to empower people to conduct clearings of their own energy field and their own environments including working with other people’s energy fields and a method for energetic healing.
Spirit Attachment Clearing and Consultation
Consultation and Clearing Session $90
Spirit Attachment Clearing and Consultation. This type of clearing includes your home/property, your own energy field, the energy fields of the other people living in the home, as well as pets. The benefit of the Spirit Attachment Clearing is that everyone who is living in the home is cleared so any energies do not transfer from one person to another or to the home.
We do not just scare off these energies, or turn them loose to reattach or find a new host. The energies are returned permanently to their place of origin. This process generally takes about an hour or so.
The Spirit Attachment Clearing cost is $90.00 for one house including the family living there. Email me to let us know that you would like to book your Spirit Attachment Clearing and Consultation and we will send you an invoice which can be paid through PayPal or ETF( Electronic Transfer).
After the Spirit Attachment Clearing session, we request that you check back with us after several days to let us know what you may have experienced since the clearing. We cannot guarantee the same ghost, spirit, or negative energies will not return. However, since we are dealing with the unknown to a large extent, we cannot be responsible for future residency of other spirits, or energies even though we do what we can to ensure against that happening.
PLEASE NOTE: In some circumstances or situations more than one session may be required to remove all of the ghosts, spirits or negative energies in the energy field of a property or a person. Sometimes there are layers to the clearing and one layer needs to be cleared before the energies in the next layer show up. It is possible for there to be days or even weeks between clearings. In these cases each additional clearing is a new session.
This process is recommend after any Spirit Removal session to repair the holes/rips in the energy field (Aura) caused by the attachment.
THE SOUL, AS REFERRED TO IN SOUL RETRIEVAL, is the energetic essence of your being, including gifts, qualities, and aspects of who you are. It transcends physical experience. Pieces and parts of the soul essence can become separated, trapped, and lost.
Soul loss is part of the human experience. It’s designed to protect our essence from physical and emotional trauma. Psychologists refer to this as dissociation. The shamanic community calls it soul loss. Either way, it helps us to survive.
Trauma that causes soul loss can be subtle and different for each person. Being teased or shamed can cause a sensitive child to lose soul parts. Another type of soul loss occurs when a part leaves because it doesn’t fit or because it is sent away.
Soul loss can happen when parts of our soul are taken by or given to the significant people in our lives. People who have had soul parts taken unknowingly take soul parts from others. While there’s no judgment or blame, this does put people in an inappropriate energetic relationship.
In a romantic relationship, people often will trade soul parts. This exchange makes both people more dependent on each other, less able to stand on their own, and thus less likely to leave. It can feel safer and more connected for both parties, but both are diminished.
Whatever the source of soul loss, the effects are much the same. Soul loss will diminish a person’s sense of well-being, vitality, and joy in life. People often feel depressed, listless, and as though the world was all gray. Soul loss can lead to gaps in memory. People can feel fragmented or spacey or even as if pieces are missing. Sometimes people become accident-prone or keep falling into the path of misfortune. People with soul loss can spend a lot of energy working through events of their past and still feel impacted by them. In extreme cases, soul loss can cause a lack of sense of self, suicidal tendencies, and vulnerability to physical illness.
Types of Attachments
- Earth bound spirits, ghosts, lost souls ( Most Common)
- Thought forms
- Negative energy and psychic attack
- Curses, cords, vows and contracts
- Past life attachments and ancestral patterns
- Inner child fragments and soul retrieval
- Satanic influences, dark force, demons and the collective unconscious
- Programmes, mind control programmes and Implants
- Entities and Clusters
- ET's & More Implants
- Elementals
- Earth Energies
Signs you have a Spirit or Ghost in your home.
- Electronic Disturbances
- Disappearing objects
- Strange Noises
- Rogue Shadows
- Abnormal Pet behavior
- Strange Dreams and Night Terrors
- Unexplained Feelings or Thoughts to harm yourself or others
- Apparitions or psychokinetic Activity (moving objects)
How can I tell if I am affected by spirit attachment? If you have a spirit attachment you may notice some of the following symptoms:
- Feeling tired and depleted of energy
- Suffering mood swings and/or impulsive behavior
- Unexplained bursts of anger, sadness or emotion
- Hearing inner voices
- A feeling that ‘this isn’t me’
- Do you ever wonder – did I/they say & do that?
- Problems with addictions
- Poor memory, concentration or confusion
- Has there been a sudden onset of anxiety or depression?
- Has there been a sudden onset of physical problems or pain with no obvious cause?
- Unexplained fears, phobias or panic attacks
- Worrying or disturbing nightmares
- Are you reacting to this list with emotions that surprise you?
- Do you have feelings of being watched or experience unexplained sensations – a smell perhaps, a distortion of space?
- Do you have feelings of uneasiness, cold areas in your home or a sense of another presence when nobody else is around?
- Is there a feeling of depression around you that just doesn't make sense?
You may notice in other people a sense that someone you know just hasn't been the same since that accident, since losing a loved one, since moving house – anything involving change whether enforced or chosen. These are all factors to consider.
Note: Many of these symptoms can also indicate medical problems so always consult your doctor. We often deal with people who have symptoms that are inexplicable and have no discernible physiological cause.
Life is a Process of Holding on and Letting Go. You Get to Choose!
HoursMon-Sun: 10am - 10pm
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