60 min session $180
30 min session $140
Package 4 sessions
30 min session $140
Package 4 sessions
4 session/ bundle package
all sessions can be given to family members and interchangeable, pick all the same or mix and match, all include a psychic/intuitive reading
Reiki Plus /Life Coach Plus/Cord Cutting Plus/ Past Life Regression Plus
Reiki Plus /Life Coach Plus/Cord Cutting Plus/ Past Life Regression Plus
What is PEMF?

PEMF therapy is a method of applying a magnetic field to the cells in the body.
PEMF sends weak electrical signals and influences the interaction of the ions and the flow of nutrients within the cell. In effect it is like an energizing “jump start” for your cells.
Activate Cells
EMPpad helps recharge the energy stores within our cells, providing the vital energy we need for optimum health. You probably know that food, water, sunlight, and oxygen are required for life, but there is a fifth element of health that is equally vital and often overlooked: The Earth’s magnetic field and its corresponding PEMFs ( pulsed electromagnetic fields ).
Bryant A Meyers,
PEMF The 5th Element of Health,
PEMF sends weak electrical signals and influences the interaction of the ions and the flow of nutrients within the cell. In effect it is like an energizing “jump start” for your cells.
Activate Cells
EMPpad helps recharge the energy stores within our cells, providing the vital energy we need for optimum health. You probably know that food, water, sunlight, and oxygen are required for life, but there is a fifth element of health that is equally vital and often overlooked: The Earth’s magnetic field and its corresponding PEMFs ( pulsed electromagnetic fields ).
Bryant A Meyers,
PEMF The 5th Element of Health,
What are Electromagnetic Fields?
An electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field. The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space and describes the electromagnetic interaction. It is one of the four fundamental forces of nature. The field can be viewed as the combination of an electric field and a magnetic field. The electric field is produced by stationary charges, and the magnetic field by moving charges. Why a Pulse?
Research suggests that the pulse characteristic is perhaps the most important component of the electromagnetic signal. The pulse is highly dependent on how rapidly the rise and fall time of the signal occurs. A rapid fall time indicates a high peak voltage value, which in turn is responsible for ion displacement within the body. The greater the ion displacement, the stronger the biological effect that is exerted by the PEMF therapy
Waveform, Field Strength, Frequency and Resonance
The approach of the iMRS system is not to specifically address certain frequencies and high intensities to fight a specific condition, it is more a holistic way of applying magnetic field intensities and frequency ranges which are within the scope of natural available values (such as Schumann resonances, earth magnetic field properties and also brain wave frequency patterns). With this low level approach the iMRS system is first of all very safe to use. Further to this, the widespread health benefits are based on resonance principles of the cell structures which seem to work best within a very narrow range (Adey Biological Window).
The “Biological Window” of electromagnetic field intensity and frequency to which the human body responds most effectively has been documented through the research of Goodman and Blank (1998) and Adey and Bawin (1976) respectively. This has also been backed up by further research, including the work of Blackman and colleagues (1979). There are over three thousand published research papers which highlight the positive effects of PEMF therapy across all frequency and intensity ranges, and for various diseases. Research also shows that the applied frequency, intensity and type of waveform are all crucial when it comes to an effective response.
The difference between the parameters of waveform or shape of the electromagnetic signal, field strength, frequency, and resonance, ultimately determine whether an electromagnetic signal has the potential to be harmful (such as from mobile phones, microwave ovens, or power lines) or health-promoting (such as pulsed electromagnetic fields, utilised in health care and to promote well-being).
Extensive research carried out by NASA, led by Dr. Thomas Goodwin PhD in 2003, highlighted the importance of a rapid time varying waveform, specifically a square waveform. The sawtooth signal, first discovered by Bassett in 1974, also fits this criteria and is one of the most useful waveforms that has been created due to it’s sharp rise and fall time, producing the greatest electromagnetic stimulation to the cells within the body.
Field Strength
The intensity of an electromagnetic field is a measurement of it’s strength. The Earth’s magnetic field for example, is considered to be between approximately 30-60 microTesla. The research of Goodman and Blank (1998) found that human cells most readily express a cell-preserving gene, heat shock protein 70 (hsp70), at 7-8 microTesla rather than a stronger field intensity above 70 microTesla.
Adey and Bawin (1976) also demonstrated that extremely low electromagnetic field intensities were capable of stimulating the cell membrane of brain tissue and initiating the health benefits that are associated with PEMF therapy. NASA research (2003) found that a low intensity electromagnetic field strength of between just 1 – 20 microTesla, which is less than the earth’s magnetic field, was most effective for tissue healing and regeneration.
In addition to being signalled by chemicals to perform certain functions, such as the case with drugs or nutrients, the cells within the body can also be influenced energetically by electromagnetic waves of particular frequencies.
The frequency of the earth is regarded to be between approximately 7 and 11 Hz. The work of Blackman and colleagues (1979) confirmed earlier findings of Bawin et al (1975) who reported in their research that brain tissue responded most positively to a narrow frequency range of between just 6 and 20 Hz. NASA also found that a low frequency signal of 10 Hz had the greatest effect on tissue healing and regeneration. The healing effects of specific frequencies, often known as the frequency windows of specificity, were highlighted by the work of Sisken & Walker (1995). Their review documented that, amongst others, a frequency of 2 Hz can influence nerve regeneration, 7 Hz can help to stimulate bone growth, 10 Hz can help promote ligament repair and 15 Hz can stimulate capillary formation and fibroblast (collagen producing cells) proliferation.
The “Biological Window” of electromagnetic field intensity and frequency to which the human body responds most effectively has been documented through the research of Goodman and Blank (1998) and Adey and Bawin (1976) respectively. This has also been backed up by further research, including the work of Blackman and colleagues (1979). There are over three thousand published research papers which highlight the positive effects of PEMF therapy across all frequency and intensity ranges, and for various diseases. Research also shows that the applied frequency, intensity and type of waveform are all crucial when it comes to an effective response.
Schumann waves
Schumann resonances are natural waves excited by lightning strikes in the cavity between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. In essence, lightning pumps energy into the earth-atmosphere cavity, and causes it to vibrate or resonate at extremely low frequencies. These waves circumnavigate the globe an average of 7.83 times per second. This frequency correlates with the average frequency of alpha brain waves in human beings.
An electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field. The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space and describes the electromagnetic interaction. It is one of the four fundamental forces of nature. The field can be viewed as the combination of an electric field and a magnetic field. The electric field is produced by stationary charges, and the magnetic field by moving charges. Why a Pulse?
Research suggests that the pulse characteristic is perhaps the most important component of the electromagnetic signal. The pulse is highly dependent on how rapidly the rise and fall time of the signal occurs. A rapid fall time indicates a high peak voltage value, which in turn is responsible for ion displacement within the body. The greater the ion displacement, the stronger the biological effect that is exerted by the PEMF therapy
Waveform, Field Strength, Frequency and Resonance
The approach of the iMRS system is not to specifically address certain frequencies and high intensities to fight a specific condition, it is more a holistic way of applying magnetic field intensities and frequency ranges which are within the scope of natural available values (such as Schumann resonances, earth magnetic field properties and also brain wave frequency patterns). With this low level approach the iMRS system is first of all very safe to use. Further to this, the widespread health benefits are based on resonance principles of the cell structures which seem to work best within a very narrow range (Adey Biological Window).
The “Biological Window” of electromagnetic field intensity and frequency to which the human body responds most effectively has been documented through the research of Goodman and Blank (1998) and Adey and Bawin (1976) respectively. This has also been backed up by further research, including the work of Blackman and colleagues (1979). There are over three thousand published research papers which highlight the positive effects of PEMF therapy across all frequency and intensity ranges, and for various diseases. Research also shows that the applied frequency, intensity and type of waveform are all crucial when it comes to an effective response.
The difference between the parameters of waveform or shape of the electromagnetic signal, field strength, frequency, and resonance, ultimately determine whether an electromagnetic signal has the potential to be harmful (such as from mobile phones, microwave ovens, or power lines) or health-promoting (such as pulsed electromagnetic fields, utilised in health care and to promote well-being).
Extensive research carried out by NASA, led by Dr. Thomas Goodwin PhD in 2003, highlighted the importance of a rapid time varying waveform, specifically a square waveform. The sawtooth signal, first discovered by Bassett in 1974, also fits this criteria and is one of the most useful waveforms that has been created due to it’s sharp rise and fall time, producing the greatest electromagnetic stimulation to the cells within the body.
Field Strength
The intensity of an electromagnetic field is a measurement of it’s strength. The Earth’s magnetic field for example, is considered to be between approximately 30-60 microTesla. The research of Goodman and Blank (1998) found that human cells most readily express a cell-preserving gene, heat shock protein 70 (hsp70), at 7-8 microTesla rather than a stronger field intensity above 70 microTesla.
Adey and Bawin (1976) also demonstrated that extremely low electromagnetic field intensities were capable of stimulating the cell membrane of brain tissue and initiating the health benefits that are associated with PEMF therapy. NASA research (2003) found that a low intensity electromagnetic field strength of between just 1 – 20 microTesla, which is less than the earth’s magnetic field, was most effective for tissue healing and regeneration.
In addition to being signalled by chemicals to perform certain functions, such as the case with drugs or nutrients, the cells within the body can also be influenced energetically by electromagnetic waves of particular frequencies.
The frequency of the earth is regarded to be between approximately 7 and 11 Hz. The work of Blackman and colleagues (1979) confirmed earlier findings of Bawin et al (1975) who reported in their research that brain tissue responded most positively to a narrow frequency range of between just 6 and 20 Hz. NASA also found that a low frequency signal of 10 Hz had the greatest effect on tissue healing and regeneration. The healing effects of specific frequencies, often known as the frequency windows of specificity, were highlighted by the work of Sisken & Walker (1995). Their review documented that, amongst others, a frequency of 2 Hz can influence nerve regeneration, 7 Hz can help to stimulate bone growth, 10 Hz can help promote ligament repair and 15 Hz can stimulate capillary formation and fibroblast (collagen producing cells) proliferation.
The “Biological Window” of electromagnetic field intensity and frequency to which the human body responds most effectively has been documented through the research of Goodman and Blank (1998) and Adey and Bawin (1976) respectively. This has also been backed up by further research, including the work of Blackman and colleagues (1979). There are over three thousand published research papers which highlight the positive effects of PEMF therapy across all frequency and intensity ranges, and for various diseases. Research also shows that the applied frequency, intensity and type of waveform are all crucial when it comes to an effective response.
Schumann waves
Schumann resonances are natural waves excited by lightning strikes in the cavity between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. In essence, lightning pumps energy into the earth-atmosphere cavity, and causes it to vibrate or resonate at extremely low frequencies. These waves circumnavigate the globe an average of 7.83 times per second. This frequency correlates with the average frequency of alpha brain waves in human beings.
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