Cord cutting
session pricing
60 min session $180
30 min session $140
Package 4 sessions
30 min session $140
Package 4 sessions
Some of the Main Benefits of Cord Cutting.
- Release Fears and Phobias
- Help with sleep patterns and night terrors
- Stop Smoking
- Lose weight
- Alcohol/Drug addiction therapy
- Improve Self Confidence and Self Esteem
- Find out reasons for chronic pain
Consider these questions . . .
- Currently obsessing over a fight you had yesterday?
- Wondering what’s going on with your ex?
- Becoming influenced by the belief systems of your parents?
- Feeling judged by one of your co-workers?
- Can’t stop feelings of anxiety about an upcoming interview?
But, cords can be beneficial, too!Have you ever felt the need to call your best friend, only to find they call you first?
Just got into a new relationship, and feel the love building and strengthening for this person, even when they are not around?
Feel a strong bond for your daughter, son, or sister that was built out of love and protection?
These are cords you might want to keep, and maintain!
When should you get rid of a cord?
It’s time to get rid of a cord (cord cutting) whenever it is inhibiting the growth of you as a soul or preventing you from ‘moving forward’ in your life.
The most important thing to remember about ‘cutting a cord’, is that you aren’t ending a relationship - per se. While you can certainly have that intention, to end a relationship, the main purpose of cord cutting is to terminate an unhealthy or no-longer-serving energetic exchange. Got in a fight with a loved one, and want to heal the relationship? Cut the cord that connect the two of you in this fight.
If you are becoming distracted, obsessed, anxious, worried, jealous, or influenced by another - it’s time to “end” the interaction between you and this person. Hence, cutting the energy cord. In fact, it’s very healthy to ask your spirit guide to ‘cut all cords’ with another person once the energetic exchange is over. The reason for this is that when a conversation ends, the energy that is exchanged between those involved isn’t necessarily terminated - unless that intention is set! If you are someone who becomes preoccupied with interactions between yourself and others - it may be a good practice for you to ‘cut the cord’ of energy after each interaction. This could help you focus on your life more in present time, and release any previous encounters you’ve had!
Remember: Once you identify the cord and cut it - you can always rebuild and restore it, if you would like. It’s not about a relationship ‘ending’ - it’s just ending a single interaction.
Each and every one of us is surrounded by an energetic field - an aura.
The size of the human energy field is dependent on each person, where the distance can extend from the physical body by just a few inches, or all the way out to 50 feet or more! While we all have the ability to consciously control how far our aura extends, in general, the human aura sits at about 6 inches to a foot away from the body, extending in every direction. Your energy field penetrates and flows through your body, almost as though you are enveloped in this swirling cloud of energy.
Your energy flows from above, from below, from the front and from the back - and all around you.
This multi-dimensional energy field contains information about the very nature of who you are - your personality, family history, your emotional, mental, and physical well being - and it contains information about yourself from the past, present, and the future! While your energetic make-up can change from time to time, with mood, time of day, life stage, or any number of other reasons, the core elements of which, such as those that make up character traits and personal demeanor, remain relatively unchanged throughout a lifetime. Our thoughts, emotions, feelings, ideations, hopes and dreams are also stored as energy (everything has it!) within our energy. In a sense, our auras are at the core of our overall energetic well-being - which includes both spiritual and emotional aspects, and often physical aspects of our total health.
Have you ever met someone and found yourself instantly repelled, or attracted to them, for no apparent reason?
It’s very likely that you were intuitively and unconsciously reading their energy field!
In addition, thought forms and emotions that you have are extensions of your energetic field. When you talk to, think about, or have emotions for another person, you are essentially ‘sending’ some of your energy to them, and this transmission, creates an energetic trail - known as an energy cord. The same thing happens when someone thinks about, speaks to, or has emotions about you!
As physical and spiritual beings, we are interacting with others and their energy fields all the time. There’s no way to avoid it! With all of this personal information energetically stored within ourselves and traded between yourself and others, you can see how it would be very easy to transfer energy from you, to something else, and vice versa without even realizing. While, this transfer of energy via an energetic cord is almost always unintentional, simply by thinking about you or having an emotional connection to you - someone can send you their energy. Thus, an energetic cord is created, one that links you - to them.
How do you know where and with whom you have a cord? Most of us don’t ever ‘cut the cord’ of energy between ourselves and another - and energy cords are created in nearly every close, emotional, or karmic interaction we have. You likely have an energy cord with your mother, siblings, friends, partner, co workers, and or someone you are currently in conflict with!
However, the nature of, strength, and benefit of each cord varies from day to day and from relationship to relationship. How can you tell if you have a cord with someone?
You can tell if you have an energy cord if you are preoccupied with an issue, situation, conservation, belief system, judgement, or attitude that belongs to someone else. Can't 'get over' something? Chances are, there's a cord linking you to this person, place or thing. You can also tell if you have a cord if you have a great amount of love, affection, and compassionate feelings for another. Basically, an energy cord is created between two people where an energetic exchange occurred - usually formed by an exchange of emotions or thought forms.
Since energy travels regardless of time and space, it’s important to remember that you can even have an energy cord between yourself and someone who you have never met - someone who knows about you or someone you interacted with on the internet! And, creating a cord can often take less than a minute - had an uncomfortable encounter with an angry shopper at your business, and still thinking about it? There may have been a cord created!
How to Cut Cords with Someone
1. Identify it
Find a comfortable seat with your feet flat on the ground, and your palms face up on your lap. Once there, close your eyes and set the intention that you are going to ‘scan’ yourself for energy cords. Imagine, visualize, or sense, a small version of you standing in front of you. Ask your spirit guides and angels (or any divine being that you connect with) to show you any energy cords in your aura.
If you have trouble visualizing, simply sense and feel where there is an energetic pull on you - are you feeling a tug on your heart? A sinking feeling in your cut? A choking on your throat? There may be an energy cord one of these spots! You likely already know who or what is pulling on your energy.
Once there, with your imagination and your knowingness, “follow” the cord back to it’s source. Imagine yourself looking to see - where does this cord go? Who does this link to? A name, thought, or image may come to mind. Trust it.
2. Examine it
After you identify the cord, examine it. What does it look like? Is it a tangled wire? Does it look like an energy vortex? Is it bright and golden? Is it big or small? Is it strong and secure, or weak and barely hanging on? Keep your eyes closed here and imagine or sense what it looks like. What does it feel like to you? An energy pull? An energy drain? A loving link?
Does the cord look and feel healthy to you or not? If the cord looks and feels unhealthy, it is time to cut this cord.
If the cord looks healthy and loving - and in YOUR highest and greatest good - you can choose to keep it or to release it.
3. Cut it!
If you choose to cut the cord, ask, in your mind or out loud, or the assistance of your Spirit Guide or Guardian Angel . . .and then select a tool! In order to ‘cut the cords’ you’ll need a way to remove the cords. Are you going to have a giant golden knife? Big Scissors? Ask your Spirit Guides or Angel to tug and rip the cord out of you by hand? Pick a tool or a method for the cord to be removed.
Once selected, visualize the cord being cut with giant scissors, a golden knife, or being tugged out of your body - string by string. Whatever method you select, watch, feel and observe while you visualize and imagine this happening with your eyes closed. See your body in front of you, and the energy cord being released from your field. When the last string is cut, see the cord falling and retracting all the way back from which it came - the person, the earth, or the Divine - until you can no longer see it.
Then, set the intention that the energetic exchange between you and X now, whole, complete, and ended in the past, present, and for the future.
The cord is now cut.
4. Follow-up
Once you cut the cord, be aware that the person with whom you have cut this cord will be energetically aware this has happened. While they may not consciously realize anything happened - their spirit will know. Usually, if you cut a cord with someone who wanted to keep the cord - such as a needy ex or other dependant person - it’s likely they’ll want to re-attach the cord. Simply be aware of this.
How can they do this? Simple - just create and have an energetic exchange with you. They can think about you (and in turn, you will think about them), they could text or call you, send you a message, or get a friend to contact you. If you’d like to keep the cord cut, you’ll want to resist interacting with this person in any way until they ‘get the hint’ that you aren’t interested in engaging and being attached to their energy.
Regardless of this, the cord may become reattached - maybe you thought about this person or they thought about you - or you ‘gave in’ and replied to their email! Either way, if this happens, you will feel it and you’ll want to recut the cord, using the same technique above.
My second visit with Jason was intense. It was an energy integration and more - Spirit guidance, ascension help and past life regression. Jason is personable and easy to relax with, and his space is very comfortable. He tunes in immediately and reads energy like we read a book. Not only is he accurate with energy work and extremely intuitive, his bits of advice during the session are also very helpful. Whether you want to connect with a loved one who has transitioned, heal or work on your own self and your energy, contact your guides... Jason has endless resources. I'm so grateful that he shares his gifts and guidance! The experience deepened further while listening back to the MP3 a day later. Lynda B(Durham Region) ★★★★★ 2017 (Soul retrieval Journey Session)
I received a reading from Jason this year. It was unlike any other, his abilities are very strong and i was surprised that he did not use any tools such as cards or anything.. He connected with loved ones that had past and had told me messages they had for me..(things nobody but them and i could have known) he gave me closure and direction as well! I thought id put a good word out for anyone looking for a real accurate reading. Alicia Z (Durham Region) ★★★★★ 2017 -
I wanted to thank you for another amazing reading, this time, by phone. I wasn't sure what to expect over the telephone, but you were just as accurate with everything as when you did the reading in person; and even though I'm an intuitive and medium, I appreciate your guidance when I get stuck, as we sometimes do. It's a pleasure speaking with you and learning from you. I always say, "everyone needs a mentor" and I know I found the right one.
I recommend you often, and will continue to do so. Thank you again, Gaby C., Toronto★★★★★ 2017 (Mediumship Reading)
Wow I am in complete awe. I just wanted to say thank you. Your reading literally moved me into tears. I truly appreciate you offering yourself to allow me to connect and communicate with my Mother. Thank you for the messages it has given me an immense amount of comfort and insight. My Mother had passed not even 3 weeks ago. Something drew me here and now I know why. There were things said I just could not question her presence, at times I felt myself shaking what an incredible gift you gave me
Mary G (Markham)★★★★★ 2016 (Mediumship Reading)
I received a reading from Jason this year. It was unlike any other, his abilities are very strong and i was surprised that he did not use any tools such as cards or anything.. He connected with loved ones that had past and had told me messages they had for me..(things nobody but them and i could have known) he gave me closure and direction as well! I thought id put a good word out for anyone looking for a real accurate reading. Alicia Z (Durham Region) ★★★★★ 2017 -
I wanted to thank you for another amazing reading, this time, by phone. I wasn't sure what to expect over the telephone, but you were just as accurate with everything as when you did the reading in person; and even though I'm an intuitive and medium, I appreciate your guidance when I get stuck, as we sometimes do. It's a pleasure speaking with you and learning from you. I always say, "everyone needs a mentor" and I know I found the right one.
I recommend you often, and will continue to do so. Thank you again, Gaby C., Toronto★★★★★ 2017 (Mediumship Reading)
Wow I am in complete awe. I just wanted to say thank you. Your reading literally moved me into tears. I truly appreciate you offering yourself to allow me to connect and communicate with my Mother. Thank you for the messages it has given me an immense amount of comfort and insight. My Mother had passed not even 3 weeks ago. Something drew me here and now I know why. There were things said I just could not question her presence, at times I felt myself shaking what an incredible gift you gave me
Mary G (Markham)★★★★★ 2016 (Mediumship Reading)
Thanks so much Jason. Have a great day! Please see below for my testimony.
I found Jason through an online search and was immediately drawn to his no-nonsense, honest approach. I am in the midst of a spiritual awakening of sorts and finding the right (honest & advanced) spiritual teachers is important to me at this time. I asked that we vibe out the session because I wasn't sure which of his services would be best for me at this time. We did a combination of past life regression, cord cutting, spiritual coaching and medium reading. The message from spirit that came through was highly accurate! The cord cutting surprised me in just how powerful and healing it was. I wasn't expecting to do that but I think it ended up being the best thing for me as I had a very strong physical reaction. I also found the spiritual life coaching and past life regression to be highly valuable. I would absolutely recommend Jason to anyone looking for guidance or messages from spirit!
Jocelyn C (Durham)★★★★★ 2017 (Cord Cutting Session)
I found Jason through an online search and was immediately drawn to his no-nonsense, honest approach. I am in the midst of a spiritual awakening of sorts and finding the right (honest & advanced) spiritual teachers is important to me at this time. I asked that we vibe out the session because I wasn't sure which of his services would be best for me at this time. We did a combination of past life regression, cord cutting, spiritual coaching and medium reading. The message from spirit that came through was highly accurate! The cord cutting surprised me in just how powerful and healing it was. I wasn't expecting to do that but I think it ended up being the best thing for me as I had a very strong physical reaction. I also found the spiritual life coaching and past life regression to be highly valuable. I would absolutely recommend Jason to anyone looking for guidance or messages from spirit!
Jocelyn C (Durham)★★★★★ 2017 (Cord Cutting Session)
Life is a Process of Holding on and Letting Go. You Get to Choose!
HoursMon-Sun: 10am - 10pm
Telephone |