We are living in a time of profound change, a transformative moment where the old world and new world are colliding, often with great intensity. The divide between these two realities can feel overwhelming, especially as individuals attempt to make sense of the transition from one paradigm to another. For many, the experience is one of living in two worlds—anchored in the remnants of an old, outdated system, while simultaneously being drawn toward a new, more expansive consciousness. This journey of ascension, body activation, and alchemical transformation is not only personal but also collective. The process calls for a radical shift in how we perceive ourselves, how we relate to others, and how we interact with the world.
The Old World: The Illusion of the Self and the Old Beliefs The old world, which we are beginning to break free from, is characterized by systems of control, rigid beliefs, and a mechanistic view of reality. In this old world, the self is often seen as separate, individualistic, and isolated. The mind is considered the highest form of intelligence, and reason and logic—typically associated with the left brain—have been exalted above other ways of knowing. The old system has conditioned us to rely on these left-brain functions: analysis, structure, categorization, and control. This has bred a society that is predominantly focused on external achievements, material success, and linear thinking. But beneath the surface, this system has created an illusion of the self—an identity rooted in fear, lack, and limitation. Many of us are living in a state of disconnection, not just from each other but also from our true nature. We have been taught to prioritize survival over thriving, to cling to security and certainty at the expense of growth and self-expression. These old beliefs and systems have reinforced a narrative of separation and duality: the idea that we are separate from the divine, separate from the Earth, separate from one another. As this old system breaks down, we are beginning to see the cracks in its foundations. We are waking up to the truth that this illusionary self—the “false” self—is not who we truly are. The belief systems that have kept us locked in fear and scarcity are beginning to crumble, as we recognize that the world we have been living in is not the only possibility. It is not the ultimate reality. The old ways of thinking are being challenged, and the “truths” that we once held dear are being questioned. The New World: A Shift in Consciousness and the Activation of the Body In contrast, the new world is emerging as a more holistic, interconnected, and expansive reality. This new system is based on the recognition that everything is energy and consciousness, and that we are all part of a greater whole. The focus has shifted from individual survival to collective thriving, from scarcity to abundance, from duality to unity. In this new world, we are called to embrace the truth that we are not separate from each other or from the divine. We are all interconnected. This shift is not just happening on a metaphysical level; it is deeply rooted in our physical bodies. As part of the ascension process, the body is undergoing its own alchemical transformation. The very cells of our being are being activated, reprogrammed, and upgraded. Just as alchemy seeks to transmute base metals into gold, so too is the body undergoing a process of refinement, shifting from a state of density to one of lightness and higher vibrational frequency. The “as above, so below” principle speaks to this transformation: what happens in the spiritual or energetic realm is mirrored in the physical realm. As we elevate our consciousness, our bodies must also evolve to match the higher frequencies. This is where balance becomes crucial. Ascension and the activation of the body are not about escaping the physical world, nor are they about denying the wisdom of the mind. Instead, they require a balance between the logical, analytical functions of the left brain and the intuitive, creative capacities of the right brain. The old world, dominated by left-brain thinking, has taught us to focus on logic, reason, and external validation. The new world, on the other hand, invites us to tap into the right brain: intuition, imagination, creativity, and emotional intelligence. The new world requires a holistic approach, where both the rational mind and the intuitive heart are in harmony. The Authentic You vs. The Illusion of You: Reclaiming Our True Essence The real work of ascension lies in the reclamation of the “authentic you”—the truest expression of who you are beyond the conditioning and illusions of the past. This process involves shedding layers of false identities, inherited beliefs, and external pressures, and allowing the deeper, more authentic self to emerge. The illusion of you—the persona that has been shaped by societal expectations, family dynamics, and cultural norms—must be deconstructed in order to reveal the truth of your being. This journey is not without its challenges. As we begin to peel away the layers of the false self, we may encounter resistance. Old habits, fears, and limiting beliefs may resurface, causing discomfort or doubt. Yet, this discomfort is part of the alchemical process—the burning away of impurities to reveal the gold beneath. Ascension is not about avoiding pain or resistance; it is about moving through it with grace, allowing it to refine us and elevate our consciousness. In this process, we learn to listen more deeply to the voice of our soul, which speaks through the heart and the intuitive senses. This is the authentic you—the you that exists beyond the intellect, beyond the ego, beyond the constraints of time and space. The authentic you is whole, interconnected, and boundless. It is the expression of your highest potential, a reflection of the divine. The illusion of you, by contrast, is the mask that has been built over time—constructed out of fear, survival instincts, and the need for validation. It is the version of yourself that you present to the world in order to fit in, to be accepted, or to feel safe. It is the egoic self, the part of you that clings to external sources of validation and power. This self is rooted in the old system, in the old world, and it must eventually be let go of if we are to step into the fullness of our being. The Left Brain vs. Right Brain: The Dance of Integration One of the most profound shifts that is taking place in this time of ascension is the integration of the left and right brain—bringing balance to our thinking and perception of reality. The left brain, which has dominated much of human history, is concerned with logic, reason, analysis, and structure. It excels in tasks that require precision and detail, but it tends to view the world in a fragmented, linear way. The right brain, on the other hand, is connected to creativity, intuition, emotion, and holistic thinking. It perceives the world as an interconnected web, where everything is fluid, dynamic, and constantly changing. For much of our history, society has placed greater value on the left brain, promoting a mindset of linear progression, measurable outcomes, and material achievement. However, this has led to an imbalance, both within individuals and within the larger collective. The rise of the right brain—through practices like meditation, art, and deep self-reflection—brings us back into harmony with the natural world and our own spiritual essence. The right brain allows us to perceive the interconnectedness of all things, to feel deeply, and to intuitively understand the truth of our existence. The challenge of ascension is to integrate both hemispheres, finding a balance between logic and intuition, structure and flow, reason and imagination. This integration is the key to true wisdom—a wisdom that arises from the union of heart and mind, of masculine and feminine, of body and spirit. When we allow the left brain and right brain to work together in harmony, we tap into our full potential as human beings. Conclusion: The Path of Balance and Transformation Living in two worlds is a deeply transformative experience. It is a process of letting go of the old and embracing the new, of reconciling the illusions of the past with the truth of who we are becoming. As the old system breaks down and new paradigms emerge, we are invited to undergo an alchemical transformation—a transmutation of the self from fear to love, from separation to unity, from illusion to truth. This process requires balance: balance between the logical and the intuitive, the masculine and the feminine, the individual and the collective. It requires us to align with the authentic self, shedding the false identities and beliefs that no longer serve us. In the end, ascension is not a destination but a journey—a journey toward greater awareness, greater authenticity, and greater unity with all that is. It is a call to awaken to the truth of who we are and to embody that truth fully in the world. As we move through this process, we step into a new way of being, one that is rooted in love, compassion, and the recognition of our interconnectedness. This is the new world, and it is waiting for us to claim it.
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