I've never been much of a spiritual person. I don't collect crystals or see auras. And, when I do meditate, it's always about the practical benefits of breathing exercises, not transcending. That said, I made a point to go into my first experience with a psychic medium with an open mind.
It was a gloomy day in Whitby, Ontario, when I arrived at my location, 540 Dundas Street East, a repurposed Victorian House sticking out like a sore thumb amongst surrounding apartment complexes. Freezing rain pelted my face as I exited my Uber, feeling carsick and anxious. I don't like getting emotional around strangers, and talking about my father never fails to cause a swell in me. So, I was pretty worried. I managed to brush off most of my anxiety while in the waiting room and made an effort to make my mind as blank as possible as I went up to the second floor, where medium Jason Troy was waiting for me. Early in our session, Jason told me there was a lot of pride and approval "coming through" from those attempting to contact me from the other side, specifically from my father. What struck me most was when my clairvoyant revealed that my dad was pointing to my height and weight. My father, although not a tall man by any stretch, was much larger than I was when he passed. I was a little bean-pole of a kid the last time I saw him, and hearing that comment on my physical development, something that would surely be on his mind, took me aback. The last memories of my father are of us throwing a football back and forth and dreaming about what it would be like to play the sport in high school, something he had done and loved. He passed well before my freshman year, and my athletic aspirations, which had always revolved around his approval, died with him. But, he loved music, and the image of a guitar being placed in my hands also came through during the session. He'd have been overjoyed to see me play, something I suspect he also longed to do. I felt acknowledged by my father at that moment, whether it was true or not. It was healing to experience. He also praised me for taking care of my older brother, who's much more reckless than me, and keeping him out of trouble. Turning 30 can be a scary time for anybody who has yet to see their dreams come true, so it was calming to hear from my medium that these next few years will be the ones to make or break me. As it turns out, I am an "ancient being." A title I, of course, immediately proclaimed to my girlfriend, much to her annoyance. But before I could get too prideful about being Gandalf-level-wise, I was told I'd been stuck in a loop, missing my opportunity to fulfill my purpose for many lifetimes. Oddly enough, hearing that made me feel more motivated than I've been in a long time. There's no greater pick me up than hearing you've been failing for a millennium and your one chance to break your failure cycle is approaching. The year I turn 34 is when things will start to pop off for me. At least, that was my medium's best guess. Fingers crossed, I get there this time, folks. Jason also informed me that my father was encouraging me to put myself out there more and stop messing around, which I can't lie, makes total sense. I am not well-travelled. I don't save money for trips, and I've never given much thought to where I'd like to visit. It's not that I wouldn't like to see more of the world, but adventuring is not my go-to. So, I was delighted to get some much need travel suggestions during my time with Jason. The idea of "bouncing around the provinces" kept coming up during our sessions, with an emphasis on visiting the west coast. I spent last summer in San Diego, California, and never wanted to leave. But, it was images of Vancouver that made their way into my mind at the suggestion. I was also told to visit Hawaii and Australia, although my medium told me to be wary of water as I likely drowned in a past life. He told me this after correctly predicting a near-death experience I had as a child, which was one of the more shocking moments of the whole experience. Machu Picchu also popped up, which unnerved and excited me. Something about that part of the world has always frightened me, but its beauty is undeniable. This phrase was thrown out at me at the end of my session while Jason described my approach to creative work. I've always viewed that area of my life as being largely selfish and egotistical, and I've often wished it not to be so. I've never truly believed that people were benefiting from my art as much as I was, and I'm not sure I ever will. However, I love the concept of approaching creativity this way, starting with the idea of it being your sole purpose and getting out there and doing your thing, not for acclaim and attention, but to give what you made to others. Heck, even if all you're doing is inspiring somebody who sees you play music or act to scoff and try to do something better — there's a power in that. My father reappeared here as well and told me to put more effort into writing music and pursuing my goal and to pull myself out of the rut I am in. Only existing in a non-physical has yet to stop my dad from scolding me. All good though, I needed it. Overall, I enjoyed my first dip into the world of spirituality. Was I completely converted to a life of healing crystals and incense? No. But, it was a positive experience and I left with a greater sense of purpose than when I came in — I'm deeply grateful for that. The experience cost me $180 bucks, about as much as a standard therapy or massage appointment. If you're looking for an alternative form of guidance. I highly recommend checking it out. Article web link https://www.narcity.com/toronto/i-went-to-a-medium-for-the-first-time-to-contact-my-deceased-father-it-was-oddly-healing
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